Oprah Winfrey, the Richest Celebrity whole the World

The superiority of the talk show queen in the entertainment is still not being able to be defeated yet. This year, she still stayed in the top position as the richest celebrity in Forbes magazine version.
Forbes collected the data of the celebrity’s wealth since June 2009 until June 2010. Total of the Winfrey's income reached $315 million.

In the second position is stayed by woman RnB singer, Beyonce Knowles. The 28 years old singer, Beyonce stepped up from 4th position last year with income until $287 million. The source of income came from entertainment field and fashion business.
Great success of Avatar movie bring the producer James Cameron stayed in the third position with income $210 million. In the 4th and 5th position is placed by the energetic singer, Lady Gaga and golf player. Tiger Woods.

Here are the lists of big 20 richest celebrities June 2009-June 2010.

1. Oprah Winfrey
2. Beyonce Knowles
3. James Cameron
4. Lady GaGa
5. Tiger Woods
6. Britney Spears
7. U2
8. Sandra Bullock
9. Johnny Depp
10. Madonna
11. Simon Cowell
12. Taylor Swift
13. Miley Cyrus
14. Kobe Bryant
15. Jay-Z
16. Black Eyed Peas
17. Bruce Springsteen
18. Angelina Jolie
19. Rush Limbaugh
20. Michael Jordan


referensi apapun on June 30, 2010 at 1:47 PM said...

wih banyak uang ya kapan ya kita bisa kaya

Andie on July 2, 2010 at 12:16 AM said...

kok nama saya ga ada? #ngigo

Unknown on July 2, 2010 at 5:15 PM said...

maaf baru mampir nih

indri on July 3, 2010 at 1:15 PM said...

klo deretan yg paling miskin sp aja? ga da yg kpikiran ya buat ngebikin daftar orang teemiskin di dunia. yang dbkin pasti yg paling top, paling kaya, paling cantik, paling ganteng, dan paling2 yang "wah" smuanya...

ayo bkin yang beda sob :)

Anonymous said...

kalu lu kaya tapi ngak sedekah ngak ada guna dong bisa-bisa bikin banyak dosa kerana banyak duit ngak awa pergi syurga.....

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