Hachiko: The Real Story

Actually, Hachiko is not the new film in the world. Hachiko film has been played in Japan several years ago. The punctual is in 2009. But, it is the new film that played in Indonesia. This film is being the recommended film for us now. Why? It is because this film is not the common film. It is the real film. This film is created based on the real story that happened in Japan. What is that?

Well, Hachiko is the name of the dog. He is the loyal dog that it always beloved its owner forever. On 1924, Hachiko was brought by its owner, Mr. Hidesaburo Ueno. He was the professor in the agriculture department in the University of Tokyo. During his life, the professor always look his lovely dog in the side of the Shibuya Station and this dog also always pick him up when the professor go home. It has been the daily routine of Hachiko.

One day, the professor suffered from stroke in the university and died there. So, he would never go back to the old home in Shibuya. Hachiko stayed in the Shibuya Station waiting for its owner back. It was the loyal dog. But, we know that the professor would not be back to the Shibuya. Hachiko was so upset waiting for professor.

Hachiko is brought in the far place after the death of the professor. But, it was so loyal. Hachiko always escape from the new home and be back to the old home in many times. Finally, it realized that the professor was not there. After that, Hachiko went to the Shibuya Station and always waiting for the professor. Hachiko always waiting for the professor and this thing made many people in the station feel so pity with Hachiko. The people had feed the Hachiko. Hachiko always wait for the professor although Hachiko knew that the professor would not be back. Finally, Hachiko is dead at 1935. Hachiko was the loyal dog that he always waits its owner until 10 years.

Now, you can find the Hachiko statue in the side of the Shibuya Station. The loyalty of Hachiko made many people impressed and always remembered with its loyalty to the professor. Hachiko always love the professor forever and forever.


dinoe on June 13, 2010 at 7:52 PM said...

nice content

Sohra Rusdi on June 13, 2010 at 8:12 PM said...

i really want to watch this film but what a pity there is no cinema in my village

mixedfresh on June 13, 2010 at 8:17 PM said...

i've heard this story, so sad..

Laksamana Embun on June 13, 2010 at 8:40 PM said...

Nice Post, Thanks For share..

Naila Zulfa on June 13, 2010 at 11:23 PM said...

thanx for visiting my blog,^^

wow... is it realy a true story??
amazing, a loyal dog..
but it was a sad ending, so sad...

yudex on June 14, 2010 at 10:14 AM said...

haduh.. saya tidak bisa english :)

salam kenal aja :)

Rchymera|Blog™ on June 14, 2010 at 8:50 PM said...

Nice post and story my friend i like it,always succes for you and keep in touch...:D

catatan kecilku on June 14, 2010 at 9:21 PM said...

Hachiko juga baru aku 'tahu' beberapa saat yang lalu dan aku pun membaginya di blogku, tapi... pakai bahasa Indonesia aja, karena bahasa inggrisku gak bagus... hehehe

the others.. on June 14, 2010 at 9:22 PM said...

Aku kagum dg kesetiaan Hachiko pada tuannya, dan aku salut dg orang2 Jepang yang menghargai kesetiaan itu sedemikian tingginya hingga membuatkan patung dan bahkan membuatkan filmnya.

AISHALIFE-LINE on June 16, 2010 at 1:05 AM said...

Aku penasaran dengan film ini,dah dua kali melihat teman blogger mereview film ini.

- on June 26, 2010 at 5:51 PM said...

Waktu kecil saya nonton versi jepangnya, benar-benar haru.

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