Google Released Chrome with Indonesian “Taste”

Almost of the people don’t even know if Google released the new browser about 2 years ago. It is called Chrome. During the publishing of the beta version, Chrome offer many special features that others browser don’t have it. So, to widen the using of Chrome, Google offered Chrome with Indonesian “taste”. What is that?  “Several features in Chrome offer the local taste of Indonesian. Beside, the browser is fast, secured, and easy” Andrew McGlinchey, head of product management of the Google in Southeast Asia said.
What is the Chrome special “taste” for Indonesia? Well, it is the 7 special features added and 8 themes of the actress in Indonesia, such as Dian Sastro, Taufik Hidayat, Slank, and many others.
In the other side, one feature that added in Chrome is the movie schedule in Indonesia. So, you can know the updated film played in Indonesian movie without visiting to the direct sites. The other special feature is JavaScript machine reader V8, which be able to read the application faster. Google can say that with the new “taste” of the Chrome features, chrome will work 200 times faster than first beta version that published 18 month ago.
The last, if you want to download the new version of Chrome with Indonesian “taste”, you can download it and compare it with other browser in


saidiblogger on June 23, 2010 at 9:54 AM said...

i have no patience to taste the product..

NURA on June 23, 2010 at 10:04 AM said...

salam friend
nice post
I know google released chrome with Indonesian "taste", coz read your article.
I will try visit in

albertus goentoer tjahjadi on June 23, 2010 at 5:55 PM said...

trims mas untuk informasinya...

secangkir teh dan sekerat roti on June 23, 2010 at 6:25 PM said...

have a nice day!

Bang Aan on June 29, 2010 at 4:33 PM said...

saya bingung nih sob harus coment apa,tapi salam kenal n terimkasih sudah mampir kekandang saya

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