Indonesia is the largest users of Opera Mini whole the world beats Russia. But, this reason is not enough for Opera to build representative office in Indonesia. Opera said that many things should be thought to build the representative office. One of the reasons is business partner.
According to them, the special business partner for Opera is one enough. That is the largest telecommunication providers in Indonesia. Now, Telkomsel and Smart are trying to do the join. Smart will make the special button for Opera in their mobile phone.
Now, Indonesia is being paid more attention by Opera Software Company. This is because majority of the Opera users came from Indonesia. Before, this position is held by Russia. In the last 2 months, Indonesia took this position over from Russia.
The using of Opera desktop in Indonesia increased until 82,5%. Besides, the using of Opera mini in Indonesia increased until 260,2%.
Now, Opera has about 120 million active users in the month. The biggest contribution comes from Opera mini users with 60 million.
According to them, the special business partner for Opera is one enough. That is the largest telecommunication providers in Indonesia. Now, Telkomsel and Smart are trying to do the join. Smart will make the special button for Opera in their mobile phone.
Now, Indonesia is being paid more attention by Opera Software Company. This is because majority of the Opera users came from Indonesia. Before, this position is held by Russia. In the last 2 months, Indonesia took this position over from Russia.
The using of Opera desktop in Indonesia increased until 82,5%. Besides, the using of Opera mini in Indonesia increased until 260,2%.
Now, Opera has about 120 million active users in the month. The biggest contribution comes from Opera mini users with 60 million.
aku kok kurang suka opera ya..? nyaman pake flock.
termasuk di hape lebih suka pakai ie mobile daripada opera mini.
"Nice artikel, inspiring ditunggu artikel - artikel selanjutnya, sukses selalu, Tuhan memberkati anda, Trim's :)"
I like operamini. This is my favortie software fo mymobile phone
segitunya yak?
cuma sayang euy, opera mini di hapeku udah lama banget rusaknya T.T
diinstal ulang juga tetep aja gak bisa, hiks
jadinya mahal deh pake browser yang dari hapenya.. T.T
selamat hari jumat, arfi
semoga hari ini menyenangkan :D
Apa developer Opera Mini nggak nyesel tuh? Indonesia market yang prospektif loh.
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