Christiano Ronaldo and Girls

Christiano Ronaldo
Christiano Ronaldo is not only the football player. But, he is also handsome athlete and the most expensive football player in this era with US$132 million. It is not wrong if many sexy girls around the world attracted with Ronaldo's charm.Ronaldo is the glamour athlete. He has switched many girlfriends beside him. The last, he is rumored having the baby from his affair with one of his girl. Do you want to know who the girls that ever had affair with Ronaldo are? Check it out.
1.    Jordana Jardel
She is the sister of Matio Jardel and the model Lisbon. She had affair with Ronaldo in 2003.
2.    Karina Ferro
She is Portugal model. She had affair with Ronaldo in 2002. But, Ronaldo ended up their affair.
Isabel Figueira
3.    Daniele Aguiar
She is Brazilian super model. She had affair in 2005.
4.    Isabel Figueira
She had hot model and TV presenter. She had also had affair in 2005.
5.    Diana Chaves
She is actress and she had affair in 2005.
6.    Nuria Bermudez
She is agent player. She had affair in 2006. She actually also had affair with some players under her agent.
7.    Soraia Chaves
She is actress and model. She had affair in 2006.
8.    Merche Romero
She is and actress and she had affair in 2006.
Merche Romero
9.    Luciana Abreu
She is Portugal singer and she had affair in 2007.
10.    Gemma Atkinson
She is actress and lingerie model. She is known had the affair with Ronaldo in 2007.
11.    Bipasha Basu
She is Bollywood actress and model. She had affair with Ronaldo in 2007.
12.    Karina Bacchi
She is model and reality show actress. She had affair in 2007.
13.    Carolina Patrocinio
She is presenter in Portugal. She spent his New Year night with Ronaldo in early 2008.
14.    Lucia Garcia
She is model and she had affair in 2008.
Bipasa Pasu
15.    Maria Sharapova
She is sexy tennis player and she is rumored had affair with Ronaldo in 2008.
16.    Niki Ghazian
She is lingerie model. She had affair in 2008.
17.    Tyese Cunningham
She is singer and had affair in 2008.
18.    Nereida Gallardo
She is also a model. She had affair in 2008.
19.    Mia Judaken
She had affair with Ronaldo in 2008.
20.    Imogen Thomas
She is Miss Wales former and had affair in 2008.
Gabriela Endring
21.    Letizia Filippi
The Italian model had a little bit date with Ronaldo in 2008.
22.    Alyona Haynes
She is Ukraine model and ever had affair with Ronaldo in 2008 before she is married with 50 years old millionaire.
23.    Olivia Saunders
She is SPG in one bar and had affair with Ronaldo in 2009.
24.    Gabriela Endringer
She is gym instructor and had affair in 2009.
Irina Shayk
25.    Luana Belletti
She is sister of Juliano Balletti. She had affair in 2009
26.    Paris Hilton
All of the people know this actress. She is looked so close with Ronaldo in 2009.
27.    Raffaella Fico
She is Spain model and she ever had the date with Ronaldo in 2009.
28.    Kim Kardashian
The model and model cover is seemed so close with Ronaldo in 2009. But, there is no confirmation about their affair.
29.    Irina Shayk
She is the last Ronaldo girlfriend. She is the model.


Ipin on July 16, 2010 at 6:55 AM said...

gileee cingg ceweknya 29 mennnn..

Kopi Susu Pahit on July 16, 2010 at 9:04 AM said...

ternyata banyak juga daftar korbannya ....

rosanakmami on July 16, 2010 at 10:02 AM said...

banyak bener noh ceweknya yaaa
aih aihhh....
kira2 anaknya itu dari cewe yang mana yaaaa...

selamat hari jumat, arfi
semoga hari ini menyenangkan :D
happy weekend!

FB on July 16, 2010 at 10:30 AM said...

Di luar list itu mungkin masih ada kali ya..

Unknown on July 16, 2010 at 10:59 AM said...

wah, playboy juga ya

Rizkyzone on July 16, 2010 at 12:02 PM said...

dah tampan, kaya banyak cewknya pastinya

Paksi Dirgantara on July 16, 2010 at 2:03 PM said...

wah, yang ke 30 slametan nih

Anonymous said...

WOOW, all of them is very sexy ! It's so amazing ! LOL !

rawins on July 16, 2010 at 3:06 PM said...

wah kalo banyak duit, banyak yang nguber juga yah..? jadi pengen ngiler...

Ka Damar on July 16, 2010 at 5:29 PM said...

wahahaha...aku jadi orang biasa sajalah, cw g punya

salam kenal Sobat, blognya keren, saya follow yah, jika berkenan silahkan mampir dan follow juga

ceritatugu on July 16, 2010 at 10:12 PM said...

ya...banyak bener ceweknya

om rame on July 17, 2010 at 2:21 AM said...

cewek indonesia sudah ada yang jadi korban beLum, hihihi... piss ach.

TRIMATRA on July 17, 2010 at 2:37 AM said...

ayok ayok sapa yang mau genapin jadi ke-30 hayoohhh????

TUKANG CoLoNG on July 17, 2010 at 2:44 AM said...

udah ganteng, kaya, terkenal, siapa sih yang gag mau jadi ceweknya. coba CR9 cewek, tak kawinin dah dia

febriyanto on July 17, 2010 at 4:41 PM said...

im sure, u will trapped in your journey having affair with many girls....... it just last a while.. hhaaaaa.... in our country he's just the same with ariel peterporn......

attayaya on July 18, 2010 at 10:33 AM said...

banyak sekali cewek ronaldo

Belajar SEO on July 18, 2010 at 1:01 PM said...

banyak bgd cewenya :D

binaural beats on July 18, 2010 at 3:14 PM said...

pleboi beneran neh si ronaldo

munir ardi on July 18, 2010 at 3:50 PM said...

handsome, rich and popular so anything else

referensi apapun on July 18, 2010 at 3:50 PM said...

wih cantik ya ceweknya

Jasmine on July 21, 2010 at 10:54 AM said...

heeuuuu,nggak bisa di jadiin contoh.

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