National Exam

Wow, the time ran so quick. I never think that next week, I will pass the Mid Semester Test at second Semester. Well, I never be dilligent in studying before. So, it's not wrong that I'm so confused today. What I should do to make better mark in this semester? Damn..:'(

OK.. Back to the main topic. What is that? Yeah, that is National Examination for our friends at Senior High School that will be held at 22 until 26 march 2010. So, what is the relationship between me an UN? Well, as a student at university, I definitely have done the National Exam before this. So, I know what are our friends feeling at this time.

They feel so confused and they will do all the way to be successed at National Exam. National Exam is like a Monster that always make the students very frightened to face it. When they can pass this national exam, they will feel so happy because they can defeat the "monster".
But, if they failed in the National exam, they will very happy and they will feel that they are so stupid, end even in one town in Kalimantan, the student want to suicide because they failed in the National Exam.

So, Keep your spirit for our friend in Senior High School. Don't feel that National Exam will kill you. You should feel that you can kill the National Exam, Wish U all the best. and GOOD LUCK...:-D


Ria Nugroho on March 22, 2010 at 11:32 AM said...

Good Luck untuk semua yang mau UN

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