Did you know about this film? Yes, maybe I'm late to review this film because it's not a new release film. But I just wanna review this film because it is unique. It is not like others Indonesian horror film. So, what is the primacy of this film, if be compared with other Indonesian films?
All of us definitely know that majority of Indonesian horror films are not pure horror. Many of the haven't stick close to horrority in their films. They just pure horror in themes. And actually, many porn scenes and sexualities within had been their primacy. So, many viewers wanna see those films because of porn scenes and sexualities, not because of quality of teh film.
But, it's different with Rumah Dara. I think it's the first film in this decade that purely horror. This film is so amazing. The psicopat woman, anacted by Shareefa Danish is a wondrous role. And so with Julie Estelle in her role. This film remembered us to Suzanna in seventies.
So, waht are you waiting for? Did you watch it? Come on, watch this film. It's so exciting. Don't miss it. And I hope, this film can emerge other horro film that purely horror withot sexualities within. And we will wait it.
sereem..gak berani nonton.
manatp juga ni film....serem tapi asik
:aku tunggu koment mu:
katanyabagus ya.. ?
what does it mean, not fully horror?!?!?! bukannya bule2 sekarang ini berusaha mengadaptasi dari perfilm-an horror asia?!?!?
nice info, thanx friend..
saya belum nonton mas, kelihatannya banyak actionnya ya??
jadi penasaran pengen lihat filmnya
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salam sobat
menarik ya film ini,,
saya pingin nonton,,nanti kalau ada.
@all : bagus banget lho film ini... ehhehehe.. bikin jantung ini jadi merinding disko... :P
Temen mia yg udh nonton ni film, katanya dia jd ga nafsu makan popcornnya. Eneg,byk adegan lumayan sadis, katanya.
Hmmm.. She may not watched ninja assassin yet hahaha
serem filmnya
Nice info mas...saya jd penasaran dgn film ini...
wah sepertinya menarik nich film,
kaya nya filmnya keren ya,tapi aku gak mau nonton ah arfi soalnya sepertinya serem dan meneganggkan hihihi.....
apa kabar arfi? mksh udh berkunjung ya ^^
aku dah tonton 3 kali
nich film karen,and keren dech
salam dalam kehangatannya aku
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